Who is Corwin David Whitefield?

👈That Guy.
Seen here in his natural habitat – at home, amongst friends, throwing stuffed frogs with abandon.
Okay, so that last bit isn’t normal. But weird things are.
Mostly, I’m a guy who likes to make things. I’m a mechanical engineer by day – B.S.M.E. from University of Washington – with expertise in 3D printing and product development. At home, I do leathercraft, some costuming, and lots of ‘fun’ homeowner DIY stuff.
I’m also an aspiring fiction author, focusing on novel length fantasy for the moment.
And I like to go out and do things. Concerts, movies, plays, ballets. I got my advanced open water scuba license before I could drink. I’ve been the audience participation contest winner at a burlesque performance put on at a pirate festival. I’ve been the mascot for a viking themed women’s flat track roller derby team.
And despite all that, I’m a total dweeb who sits in the corner at parties. So, y’know.